4:30 PM16:30

What Do We Know about Breast Cancer?

  • Dr. Rick Coker's Smile Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It seems that nearly everyone has been touched by breast cancer these days. Melinda Coker will discuss some possible ways to prevent it. Then, for those who have already been diagnosed, some treatments and ways you can live a long and healthy life without a recurrence. You may want to read some of Melinda’s blog posts about cancer at DietConnectionBlog.

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4:30 PM16:30

How Can Sleep Apnea Affect Your Life?

Do your golfing buddies or your fishing buddies cringe when they realize you will be their roommate on your next adventure - or, maybe it’s just your spouse, punching you in the night. Dr. Coker will discuss the effects of sleep apnea and some treatments which could not only save your life, but even your marriage.

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4:30 PM16:30

Heart Disease Can Kill You

  • Dr. Rick Coker's Smile Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Heart disease kills more people world wide than anything else. Too often, we think it’s just genetic and we may be doomed to get it. But, heart disease is totally preventable. If you think the only way to prevent heart disease is by taking medication or having invasive procedures, think again. Come and find out how to change your lifestyle so you can avoid those medications, invasive procedures and even disability or death from heart disease. You may want to download Melinda Coker’s free report, “Risk Factors for Heart Attacks” to determine your risk.

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