A New Local Anesthesia



An Exciting Addition!

Dr. Coker has added a new skill to his repertoire, called TuttleNumbNow. This technique with the funny-sounding name is an additional way for a dentist to numb your teeth for treatment.

You probably remember being in the dental chair ready to get your treatment done, when Dr. Coker comes in to numb your teeth that he will be working on. Unfortunately, that anesthesia takes 15 - 20 minutes to get you numb. So you have to sit and wait. Of course, you may be relaxing on the nitrous or listening to your favorite music, but it does add to the time you are in the chair.

If you are a candidate for TNN (TuttleNumbNow), Dr. Coker will come in and numb the teeth he plans to work on, just like he did previously, but the advantage to this method is there should be no waiting for you to “get numb.” Basically, he can start the work right away because your teeth will be numb instantly.

If you were anesthetized with TNN, once your treatment is complete, you will be able to leave the office and go straight back to work or out to lunch, without your lips and cheeks being numb.

Some patients call that a miracle!